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Blog Posts

Save Perth Hills Inc

More than 2,000 of you PACKED Mundaring's Sculpture Park last Sunday February 23! Another 2,000 of you watched, or have viewed, our live stream coverage!

(Stand By - Big Announcement follows...!!)

The message to politicians, Govts, and DEVELOPERS - Perth Hills is NO PLACE for urban sprawl firetrap developments, and we WON'T stand by and let 60,000 trees, that support Endangered Black Cockatoos, be BULLDOZED! We're overwhelmed by your support!

And GUESS what?!? It gets better...


Save Perth Hills has won an HISTORIC legal fight - against SATTERLEY (!!!) Yep! OUR COMMUNITY is allowed to have a VOICE at Satterley's appeal hearing in September!

This is BIG! We're the ONLY Community group - evvvva to be allowed to 'intervene' at WA's State Tribunal since WA's Planning and Development Act began in 2005!!

In a nutshell - we can bring an Expert witness and 5 Community witnesses to Satterley's appeal, to offer their knowledge and lived-experience, IN-PERSON, about bushfire evacuation impacts and why we need safer bushfire planning in the Perth Hills.

Thought we'd leave you with a Rally pic of the man himself, as we remind Nigel Satterley we fight fair, we fight to win, and we will fight - FOREVER, to Save Perth Hills!

Save Perth Hills Inc

Catching up on a post missed because of the storm

Sunday! 23 Feb  10 AM

 Sculpture Park, Jacoby St, Mundaring.

It’s great to see politicians and candidates from all sides of State and Federal politics supporting Save Perth Hills!

Thanks here to candidates, Mia Davies – Nationals for Bullwinkel and Lisa Logan - Nationals for Kalamunda for getting into the Save Perth Hills’ mood!

At our Rally this Sunday, hear what candidates will offer to end the dangerous and destructive North Stoneville plan, and how they’ll work to reverse the Federal government's 'environmental approval' for Satterley to bulldoze 60,000 trees.

AND Remember!

Bring your cash, coins or credit cards to purchase SPH 'STOP Satterley STOP' Stickers, $5 Raffle tickets to win $20,000, and our $30 new edition 2025 SPH T-Shirts!

All proceeds will go towards helping SAVE PERTH HILLS!

Save Perth Hills Inc

Help save 60,000 trees earmarked for bulldozing and help protect Endangered Black Cockatoos’ habitat!

Perth’s Anglican Church wants to bulldoze 60,000 Jarrah and Marri trees for a dangerous firetrap townsite in Stoneville.

Satterley’s been given Federal Government permission to destroy the trees. Some are 200 years old and contain breeding hollows for Black Cockies. Hollows can take more than 100 years to form.

While every tree that’s planted is a bonus, Save Perth Hills believes we should be keeping more of the trees we have...

So, we're ‘adopting out’ North Stoneville’s trees... to you.

Click on the link to donate and ‘adopt a tree’ and become an official, Save Perth Hills Tree Keeper!


Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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