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Save Perth Hills Inc

Respectfully, we advise this post references bushfire trauma

We live in a Community where our collective memory is deeply entwined in events that have changed us, defined us, and continue to remind us.

And so it is today: February 1st, the anniversary of the 2021 Wooroloo Bushfire.

As it is with all these days – 2 January 2008, 5 February 2011, 12 January 2014, January 2018, 1 February 2021 and 21 December 2023, our Community remembers the lasting significance they represent to so many.

On Tuesday, Save Perth Hills will launch an historic legal bid to represent each and every one of you who has endured - one of these days. We hope, sincerely, for you, that we’re successful because living in a bushfire prone environment begs for better understanding, deeper respect, and authentic acknowledgement – and support, to know that the human fallout of bushfire disasters, doesn't magically disappear when the flames have gone out.

Whatever the outcome on Tuesday, be assured, we'll continue our 34-year long fight for justice and commonsense to prevail in our increasingly bushfire prone environment... for all those days that have been, and for those yet to come.

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Save Perth Hills Inc


Wow! So many of you contacted us about the WA Government's $17-million plan to plant more native trees. You mentioned 'irony' and hypocrisy' - a lot. Not surprising, when 60,000 trees – on a single site in Perth’s Hills, are facing the threat of Nigel $atterley's BULLDOZERS.

Yes. The Anglican Church’s firetrap plan for its proposed dangerous and destructive ‘North $toneville’ townsite, would see $atterley, Australia's biggest private land developer, WIPE OUT 60,000 long-established healthy, NATIVE trees. Some are 100-200 years old and provide critical life-supporting habitat for Endangered Black Cockatoos.

Talk about ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’...   

Perth has Australia's worst tree-canopy-rate. So, we're all for planting trees.But let's KEEP the ones we’ve got!    

At our Rally on February 23, we’re launching a campaign to KEEP North $toneville's 60,000 trees!  Stay tuned!!!

Come along to our most significant Community Rally in our 34-year history to:

- Ensure SAFER PLANNING for our bushfire prone communities

- STOP dangerous urbanisation in Perth's volatile & vulnerable Hills

- KEEP 60,000 trees!   

10am Sunday Feb 23, Sculpture Park, Jacoby St, Mundaring!  

If you can, PLEASE DONATE to help us to pay for legal and expert advice, insurance and rally costs, as we head to the September Tribunal Appeal against this crazy plan

Bendigo Bank: BSB – 633000: Account - 160715942

Containers for Change: Save Perth Hills ID Number: C10307279

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Save Perth Hills Inc

‘WE'RE STILL HERE!’ And the stakes have never been higher. Satterly and his Anglican church mates want to chainsaw 60,000+ trees, bulldoze habitat for our critcally endangered black cockatoos and are pushing on with their urban sprawl proposal from the 90's. Worst of all, bringing urban sprawl into the hills threatens our community's ability to safely evacuate in the event of fire.

This community has stood strong for over 30 years and we're only getting stronger. So what are you doing on the 23rd Feb? You're grabbing your mates, your neighbours, the kids, your awesome signs and your BIGGEST VOICE

Standing strong is what our community does best and we are united to keep the hills, the hills because "once it's gone... it's GONE!"

Over 3,800 of you are following our page so you know what to do... tag, comment, share and indicate you'll be coming along.

There is MASSIVE interest in our campaign to safeguard – not endanger, our bushfire prone community - and to protect – not destroy our unique biodiverse Perth Hills environment.

See you Sunday 23rd February, at 10am – at Sculpture Park, Mundaring – to let Nigel and the Anglican Church know, ‘WE'RE STILL HERE!’!

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Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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