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Save Perth Hills Inc

This photo was taken on the 18th of December 2018... Around 70 community legends turned up at the Parkerville Oval Pavilion to discuss Satterley's proposed North $toneville. The plans had been kept quiet, involved only minimal consultation, and we only had until the 10th of Jan 2019 to get our submissions in to reject the proposal...

The timing of this was deliberate, to catch the community off guard when Christmas and holidays were on everyone's mind. This gathering was critical as it marked our community’s commitment to ramp up 3 decades of opposition to dangerous and destructive development at proposed North $toneville.

Approximately 950 submissions regarding the proposed development were received by the Shire of Mundaring in just over 20 days... Around 90% rejected the proposal. This photo shows what can be done when we participate, unite and stand together. We'll be gathering again soon and hopefully, you will be there, in the photo, standing strong with your community.

Save Perth Hills Inc

Save Perth Hills THANKS our Mundaring Shire Council which has written to Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek asking her to ‘revise’ her unacceptable approval to destroy the environment on Nigel $atterley and the Anglican Church’s proposed 530-hectare North $toneville site.

Shire President Paige McNeil today spoke to ABC Radio and 6PR outlining the significant environmental reasons that make the Minister’s approval to bulldoze 60,000 healthy trees - and moonscape an area half the size of Kings Park - so utterly WRONG.

Save Perth Hills is preparing a similar letter to the Minister.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Nigel $atterley today publicly accused our Community of spreading ‘propaganda’ in our 33-year efforts to stop the dangerous and destructive proposed North $toneville plan.

798 $atterley devotees today attended a ‘Nigel Love-Fest’ breakfast at Crown.

2 Save Perth Hills representatives pushed the attendance to 800.

Ex-Premier Mark McGowan was there - with Nigel declaring he’d make a great Prime Minister.

So too was - ‘special guest’ - Perth’s Anglican Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy.

Yep - the person who has the power to stop 3000 people being knowingly put into harm’s way at the Anglicans’ North $toneville site - paid $160 to listen to Australia’s (2nd) biggest private land developer tell everyone that we spread propaganda against her pet project - North $toneville.

NO mention of TWO outright rejections by WA’s highest planning authority - the WAPC, because the plan is too dangerous.

NO mention of 150 homes destroyed and more than 500 people displaced by devastating bushfires on and around the proposed North $toneville site.

NO mention of dangerous evacuation risks.

NO mention that Nigel’s plan is NON- COMPLIANT with FOUR State planning policies.

And NO mention the plan requires 60,000 trees to be BULLDOZED, including habitat for Endangered Black Cockatoos.

You might like to email Archbishop Goldsworthy on asking her to explain her attendance.

Let us know her response…


Read WA Today’s coverage of the ‘event’ below …

Outspoken property mogul Nigel Satterley has staunchly defended his deep political ties, generous donations and his contentious Perth Hills estate project, branding its opponents NIMBYs and accusing them of peddling “propaganda”.

At a Business News breakfast on Tuesday, Satterley downplayed concerns about the 1000-lot estate he is fighting to revive in the State Administrative Tribunal after it was rejected by the state’s peak planning body.

Satterley Property Group’s plans to establish a town site on 535 hectares of land in Stoneville north of Mundaring housing 2800 people and three schools was rejected by the WA Planning Commission for failing to address bushfire and traffic concerns.

But the proposal’s offset plan recently received the backing of Federal Environment Tanya Plibersek, a process Satterley insisted had been thorough.

There is lots of propaganda that’s not true,” he said.

“We’re working very hard in SAT, but if we don’t get an approval it will present a real sovereign risk if you can’t get a project approved in an appropriately zoned area in Western Australia.

“I think it’s a NIMBY thing, and there have been a lot of stories, threats, and marching… and we think it’s a bit unusual.”

The proposal has come up against relentless opposition from the community, which has long held that the site is inappropriate for large-scale suburban development and spearheaded a campaign to ‘Save Perth Hills’.

State agencies and two local governments have backed the campaign’s stance, with the departments of planning and fire and emergency services knocking it back twice and the councils of Mundaring and Swan vocalising their opposition.

But that did not stop the influential property boss from heaping praise on WA Labor, from crowning former premier Mark McGowan the country’s “best post-war leader” to the $12 billion flagship Metronet program, which has brought rail infrastructure to his far-flung housing estates.

The influential property doyen, tipped to be worth more than half a billion dollars, used the breakfast to defend his ties to both sides of politics and generous campaign donations he referred to as “community affairs”.

He rejected there was a need to outlaw political donations, insisting WA had already brought in sufficient measures to ensure transparency.

But his proximity to key political figures and the influence he wielded was on full display, with Satterley joking about McGowan’s trips to expensive men’s wear stores and his affinity for Penfolds Grange wine, seemingly a reference to the infamous dinner at Satterley’s Peppermint Grove mansion that landed McGowan in hot water.

Satterley repeatedly referred to McGowan who was sitting just metres away, including the discussion they had before he met with then-prime minister Malcolm Turnbull to overhaul the country’s GST carve-up alongside billionaire Andrew Forrest, Wesfarmers chair Michael Chaney and prominent corporate adviser John Poynton.

“I think we’ve done reasonably well out of the pitch,” he told the breakfast.

The shortfall in skilled workers is among the biggest issue facing the state, he said, revealing various stages in the land development process were now taking his company twice as long to complete.

Satterley also called for an increase to migration to combat the state’s dire housing shortage, revealing he had given WA Premier Roger Cook his unwavering support on the issue.

He also defended the urban sprawl his company has become synonymous with after 50 years of delivering low-density communities spanning 7000 hectares from Yanchep to Mandurah and throughout the South West.

He maintains the sprawl is driven by as many as 80 per cent of the people in the country wanting to live on house and land and said that was exacerbated by the struggle to make high-density developments financially viable.

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