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Save Perth Hills Inc

Hey everyone - in just over one week we'll be holding an important General Meeting to update you all on the status of Proposed North Stoneville! Hope you can make it. 7 pm in the Bendigo Room at Mundaring Arena.

Please come along and we will update you on what has been happening.

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Save Perth Hills Inc


This one’s for you!

National recognition from our new Member for Hasluck, Tania Lawrence.

In a dedicated speech to Federal Parliament, Tania gives us her full support, and states her strong opposition to the environmentally destructive ‘North $toneville’.

Tania’s speech is significant, because Satterley’s plan to bulldoze more than 200 hectares of Stoneville’s bush and forests, will be determined by the Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek.

And it comes as our campaign is ramping up – with a Full and public hearing expected to be called, to decide the fate of ‘North $toneville’ – and its natural environment.

Thank you Tania Lawrence MP – we look forward to a long and aligned working relationship - to help Save Perth Hills.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

So much is wrong with WA’s planning processes. Our latest experience says it all... We weren’t allowed to present last week at $atterley’s 9th ‘North $toneville’ appeal, held in private, for 2 years. No surprise there. But the ‘OUTCOME’ is surprising... A ‘Directions Hearing’ phone hook-up for the major players on Sept 9... We googled ‘Directions Hearing’: - “A short court appearance where a judge or registrar make orders outlining next steps to resolve a dispute” So, we ask... Is the appeal over? Did $atterley FAIL? Did $atterley WIN? Will ‘North Stoneville’ go to a Full, PUBLIC hearing? (as it should).

No one will tell us. We understood (but strongly disagree) mediation is ‘confidential’. But surely taxpayers PAYING for this 2-year appeal, and the COMMUNITY who’ll be impacted by the outcome, deserve to understand what is going on?

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