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Save Perth Hills Inc

Lots to report in our latest video update!

Incredibly: $atterley is launching its NINTH attempt to get its dangerous and destructive 'North $toneville' plan approved - this Thursday, July 28. $atterley has a FULL Day 'mediation' booked with the WA Planning Commission at SAT (State Tribunal)... the FIRST Full Day session $atterley's had in its almost 2-year-prolonged Tax-payer funded appeal.

The hearings are private - the community locked out - we don't know what's being discussed, or compromised on OUR behalf.

SPH says $atterley's disastrous plan MUST be sent to a PUBLIC Open hearing because 'North $toneville' cannot - and should not, be 'mediated' especially on the back of the damning and frightening 'State of the Environment Report' released last week.

The GOOD news: Our campaign is ramping up on many levels, and we're seeking your AMAZING support, as always to help Save Perth Hills. More details soon!

In the meantime, ways to donate include:

Containers for Change: ID - C10307279

Bendigo Bank Deposits: BSB 633000 Account 160715942

Buy a SPH T-Shirt: Mundaring Rotary Markets August 14!

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Save Perth Hills Inc


In 8 days, (July 28), Satterley will try - for an incredible 9th time, to convince WA’s Govt to let it build the dangerous and destructive proposed ‘North Stoneville’ and bulldoze more than 200 hectares of native forest and bush…

Today - a frightening insight into the state of Australia’s environment was released.

It suggests we need to ‘revegetate’

This was Tania Lawrence’s (our Federal MP) message today.

“Under Labor, the environment is back –

front and centre.”

“You probably haven’t heard of the State of the Environment report - and there’s a reason for that.

The previous Government didn’t want you to know about it.

They received it before Christmas, but they refused to release it.

But today, the new Minister for Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, stood up in Canberra and finally released the report.”

Tania Lawrence MP


Please tell our local Federal member, Tania Lawrence MP, that bulldozing our bush to build little Satterley houses is NOT what the hills OR Australia’s environment needs. As today’s report shows, prevention is better than a cure…

We have requested an urgent meeting with Tania - but need YOUR voice to let Tania know - we need her help - to Save Perth Hills.

or email her …..

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Sooooo... Did you know it's been TWO WHOLE YEARS since the WA Planning Commission refused proposed North Stoneville? For the past 24 months, Nigel $atterley and his lawyers have been making the case (behind closed doors) to the State Administrative Tribunal to 'mediate' the WAPC's decision... In other words, come to an agreement so the proposal can proceed....

Thursday the 28th of July will be the NINTH attempt at mediating the decision... and this one will be a full day. It is time to draw a line through this drawn out process. How fair is it that a developer gets chance after chance in secret meetings while tax payers wear the cost? Enough is enough!

Nevertheless, the 14th of July is an important date in this campaign to Save Perths' Hills - as it marks a milestone for the collective efforts of this community of doers, to stand up and speak out against bad planning. A stranded suburban development that enables urban sprawl should not be built in a high risk fire zone.

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