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Save Perth Hills Inc


Save Perth HiIls has been locked out from presenting at $atterley's never-ending North $toneville urban-development mediation at the State's Tribunal. (SAT). $atterley says it doesn't need us, ('Our Community'), telling them anything more about the problems of its dangerous and destructive housing plan. So. We say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Mediation must END at the next hearing: March 11. It started one and a half years ago! Sign our petition because Bushfire dangers cannot - and SHOULD NOT, be ‘mediated’. The Save Perth Hills’ Community says IT'S TIME that $atterley's PRIVATE appeal goes to an Open and PUBLIC hearing. Please support us to say that bushfire risks are EVERYONE'S business - not a closed-door, private conversation between bureaucrats and a profit-driven developer... #matthewhughes #jessicashawmla #ritasaffioti #mattswinbournmlc

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Save Perth Hills Inc

The Anglican Church’s ‘North $toneville’ contains 13 Aboriginal archaeological sites...

5 are on the northern boundary, including a culturally significant water-course across ‘Woolhouse Lane’ and ‘Hawkstone St’ - formerly Cameron Rd. Along with Aboriginal significance, it’s a thriving eco-system of frogs and other wildlife.

$atterley wants to put 4,000 people, 1,500 houses, and a maze of suburban-style bitumen road networks, including a link road that will destroy this water-course.

Mundaring Shire has just lodged its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) with Reconciliation Australia. $atterley's proposed destruction does not align with the Shire‘s RAP

Re-zoning ‘North $toneville’ back to Rural, as Save Perth Hills AND Mundaring Council have proposed, would help to protect these sites.

Once it's gone - it’s gone...

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Thank you #JessicaShawMLA, member for Swan Hills, for your Parliamentary acknowledgement of the first anniversary of the Wooroloo Bushfire catastrophe.

But what the Community and our Volunteer Bushfire brigades need - right now - is the Wooroloo Report.

It took 6 months for your Government to action the Inquiry.

You told us Minister Dawson received the Report in December!

It's now almost 3 months later - after the hottest Perth Summer in 30 years, after more than 20 bushfires in and around the region of the Wooroloo disaster, and just yesterday (PerthNow), a long-range forecast from the Weather Bureau that WA's volatile and dry bushfire season will likely extend into Autumn.

We have much more than 'an interest' in the Report, Jessica - we NEED the Report. And we need it now so recommendations can be implemented especially around Planning in Extreme Bushfire Zones.

If not now, #JessicaShawMLA... WHEN?

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