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Blog Posts

Save Perth Hills Inc

Disgraceful. On So Many Levels.

A developer fined $250,000 for destroying 10 hectares of black cockatoo habitat. Paltry pocket-money - and they still get to build their development.

Meanwhile, at North $toneville, $atterley and the Anglican Church want to destroy 20 times that amount of native bush, (200+ hectares), home to 3 species of threatened black cockatoos (and a whole lot more):

- Carnaby’s (Endangered)

- Baudin’s (Endangered)

- Forest Red-tailed (Vulnerable)

$atterley's North $toneville environmental destruction 'Off-$et' includes 'artificial hollows' positioned among their 1,500 houses, and giving 'research' cash to WA's Museum, which examines cockatoo habitat loss.

Such cruel irony...

No amount of money or fines will bring back the bush - or birds.

What part of 'Once it's Gone, it's Gone' doesn't the Govt, or developers, get?

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Hello amazing people - hope you're all doing ok in this crazy heat! Here at Save Perth Hills we've been mapping out what we think the next 12 months is going to look like. We've come to realise we need to build a war chest of funds to pay for some upcoming legal costs amongst other things... so we are excited to reveal that we're putting together a plan for the very first Save Perth Hills t-shirts.

What we want to know is... Would you buy one? What's a fair price? (we're thinking $20) How many do you need?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Due to economies of scale, we're thinking along the lines of Henry Ford - "Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants, so long as it is black." That's right, black t-shirts with our recognisable SPH branding and message.

Will you help us build that war chest?

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Save Perth Hills Inc

8 years ago this week, the Perth Hills burned.

57 homes lost, 350 properties damaged, 386 hectares burned along with countless irreplaceable, precious memories.

We all remember it... the raw emotion, the evacuations, the sheer bravery of our firefighters, the phenomenal reaction to help in the aftermath, and we remember the difficult journey so many in our community have endured from this event... especially the 7 years it took to finally settle the class action for those who lost so much...

This memory - placed alongside the Satterley/Anglican Church plan to add 4000 more people into an urban fire trap plan must never be allowed to proceed. We know what can happen. The real-life experience of a fire like this is different from the TV version.

The 12th of January 2014 is a 'forever date' for the hills and a human reminder that we must never place developer or church profits - ahead of people’s homes and lives!

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