Celebrating Save Perth Hills was recognised on Sunday at the Shire of Mundaring 2021 Celebrating Community Awards!
Thank you Matt Swinbourn MLC for sharing this! And thank you for jumping in on the photo. To those who don't know, Matt is the Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney-General; Minister for Electoral Affairs and the Member for the East Metro Region. Matt tabled our petition to Parliament of over 3,200 signatures, calling on the government to press PAUSE on development plans in the Perth Hills pending the outcome of the Wooroloo Bushfire inquiry. That petition was handed over on the steps of Parliament House back in June. We thank Matt for his support.
AND to Councillor Paige McNeil, the Shire of Mundaring Deputy President, who read the Award nomination and has been a pillar of support and strength in our work over the years!
To be recognised as an inspirational group for our contribution to the local community has us all humbled but also a little proud. Thank you to all the amazing volunteers who were recognised today - what a community we have!
But, the show rolls on.... We’re going to be submitting written deputations to the Planning Commission for Tuesday 7th Dec regarding SP79 (See previous post)… As always we’ll keep you in the loop as we learn more!