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Save Perth Hills Inc

He was Secretary of WA’s Planning Commission, 3 times, between 2001 - 2006 during the earlier days of North $toneville.

Later, $atterley recruited Ray as their PRIZED ‘PLANNING DIRECTOR’ - in charge of NORTH $TONEVILLE!

We remember Ray well.

Ray was at the ONLY meeting $atterley ever had with us, back in March 2019, when $atterley Exec$ told us they plan to just wait for Save Perth Hills to ‘run out of steam’, and then move on North $toneville.

But, after 30 YEARS’ fighting dangerous North $toneville plans, SPH - and our Community, are running FULL STEAM AHEAD!

But not Ray it seems...

For the last year, Ray dutifully turned up at EVERY Appeal, leading $atterley’s charge to reverse the REJECTION of their DISASTER PLAN.

Until this week...

Where was Ray?

He usually sits next to $atterley’s lawyer, Paul McQueen.

But not this week.

So where’s Ray?

Was Ray made REDUNDANT for not getting North $toneville over the line?

Or did Ray RETIRE because HE ran out of steam?

All good questions... anyhow, here's a short video of our last Ray-encounter just after the Wooroloo Bushfires, when Ray, uncharacteristically, was lost for words outside SAT.

Stay tuned for more intriguing updates on $atterley’s Recruitment Drive... you won't believe it...

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Save Perth Hills were back in the State Tribunal this week for $atterley Mediation Number 8 After a whole YEAR, $atterley still can’t convince anyone that their PROPOSED Anglican Church’s North $toneville, is not a DISASTER PLAN SPH presented compelling reasons why IT IS, including: - East Link is NOT a solution as it won’t get 4000+ people out of the firetrap development. - We need to wait on the Wooroloo Bushfire Inquiry findings - We need to wait on WA’s Bushfire Framework Review - A corner chunk of North $toneville is actually zoned ‘SMALL HOLDINGS’ (Farm-sized Lots!) so an ‘URBAN’ plan can’t be put on that bit of land! (OOPS!!) If they missed a detail like this, what else have they missed? - The Federal Government still won’t approve destroying 200+ bush hectares (more than half the size of Kings Park) - AND - just last week, the Fed Govt committed Australia to the UN Biodiversity Conference’s Kunming Environmental Declaration which states, in part: ‘to shape a future path for nature and people, where biodiversity is conserved and used sustainably.’

The Appeal was adjourned until March 2022 Yep - almost 5 more months! It means $atterley will avoid talking ‘FIRETRAP DEVELOPMENTS’, during their 4th BUSHFIRE SEASON up here. But. It gives us time to play some cards up our sleeve... starting soon...

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Save Perth Hills Inc

We’re jumping from the Pulpit back to the Pub!

Today we bring you $atterley’s $olution to Extreme Bushfire dangers on the North $toneville Anglican land.

It's good timing as public submissions to the Wooroloo Bushfire Inquiry are now being examined (including one from Save Perth Hills).

And the 2021-22 Bushfire Season is here.

We obtained, under Freedom of Information, $atterley’s ‘STRONG OBJECTONS’ to our plan to return North $toneville to a safer RURAL zoning.

Check out $atterley’s ‘Bushfire Management’ plan...

Actually - there’s NOTHNG to see!


Apparently ‘confidential’ to their Appeal of the WA planning commission rejection...

Why doesn’t $atterley want us to know how THEY plan to save OUR lives from bushfire?

Come to think of it - $atterley hasn’t been seen up here for more than 2 years!!!

Last time was August 2019 when Council voted ‘NO NIGEL NO’!

Not even the Wooroloo Bushfires, 5 kms from North $toneville, prompted an appearance!

So what do YOU think?

Should $atterley’s bushfire information be kept from the people it’s meant to save?

Does this pass the Pub Test?

Add your (polite!) comments!

We’ll post the entire $atterley report, (as we received it!), on our website soon.



It's that time of year where we need to rattle the tins and pay for some ongoing costs related to insurance and upcoming campaigns - like what we do and want to help? Please chip a few bucks our way.

• BSB:633 000

• Acc: 160715942

You can also support SPH by donating your Containers for Change to ID: C10307279

Or dropping a few $ into the tins at Stoneville Fresh or Begonia Pets.

Massive thanks to everyone who has donated!

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