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Save Perth Hills Inc

WOW. Lots has been happening this past weekended so we're skipping the pub this Sunday and talking about the Anglican church instead... We’ll be back with our $atterley $aga Pub Tests shortly. But first...

We’ve been told of extraordinary Anglican Church actions to SILENCE talk about North $toneville.

Yesterday we, respectfully and peacefully, handed out 300 flyers at the Anglican Annual Synod in Mt Claremont (attached to this post). Most knew about their Church’s dangerous and destructive North $toneville firetrap plan for 4,000+ people. Many were angry about the environmental and bushfire threats. And some offered to distribute flyers inside (legends!)

Today, we were told the Church CENSURED those distributing our flyers at Synod. AND, we were told today’s SCHEDULED session for Lay questions was CANCELLED, effectively gagging North $toneville discussion! (surely that's breaking their own rules?)

We’re writing to WA Archbishop Goldsworthy to clarify and ask • Are you gagging your congregation about North Stoneville? • Are you silencing your congregation’s concerns? • What are you afraid they might say?

In the wise words of the Anglican’s World leader, Archbishop of Canterbury: “I think we have to be open to hearing things we really dislike...” (UK’s ‘Church Times’, March 31)

And MASSIVE shout-out to our generous supporters for donating much needed campaign funds! Our community is outstanding!

--------------------------------- DONATIONS: It's that time of year where we need to rattle the tins and pay for some ongoing costs related to insurance and upcoming campaigns - like what we do and want to help? Please chip a few bucks our way. • BSB:633 000 • Acc: 160715942 You can also support SPH by donating your Containers for Change to ID: C10307279 or dropping a few $ in the tins at Begonia Pets and Stoneville Fresh.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

PUB TEST #2 OF 4 Sovereign Risk! WOW! Seems there’s much more at stake than saving 4,000 souls from bushfire if North $toneville is re-zoned Rural!! Save Perth Hills and Mundaring Council want it changed from Urban back to a safer Rural zone. But look at this FASCINATING Freedom of Info we got, on $atterley’s ‘STRONG OBJECTIONS’! Apparently, ‘down-sizing’ North $toneville will... - Discourage investment in WA! - Damage trust in the planning system ( yeah - nah...) AND... - Pose a ‘$ignificant $overeign Risk’ for the Govt!

What’s $overeign Risk, you ask? Good question!!

We understand it’s to do with... Foreign Investment? Mmmm, interesting...

Are international investors involved? If so - who and with whom?

What do YOU think? Would a safer ‘Rural’ zone tip the bucket on WA’s financial security? Does this pass the Pub Test? Add your (polite!) comments! As usual, bits got blanked out (‘confidential’ to $atterley’s appeal, apparently).

We’ll post the entire $atterley report, (as we received it!), on our website soon. Pub Test #3 not far away!

--------------------------------- DONATIONS: It's that time of year where we need to rattle the tins and pay for some ongoing costs related to insurance and upcoming campaigns - like what we do and want to help? Please chip a few bucks our way. • BSB:633 000 • Acc: 160715942 You can also support SPH by donating your Containers for Change to ID: C10307279

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Save Perth Hills Inc

PUB TEST #1 of 4 We're back at the pub to ask what you think about the recent work of $atterley and the Anglican church... $atterley VS Our Environment

Tonight, we're bringing you the first of 4 Pub Tests into the firetrap North $toneville plan for 4,000 people in an internationally recognised bio-diverse region.

You might remember, SPH and Mundaring Council presented to WA’s Planning Commission in June, to re-zone North Stoneville from URBAN to a safer RURAL zone (that case continues). Under Freedom of Info, we got $atterley’s arguments AGAINST the Rural re-zone. There are 4 points in their deputation which had us wondering - does this pass the pub test? Some bits got blanked out (‘confidential’ to $atterley’s SAT appeal, apparently). But this bit, under “Environmental Considerations” caught our eye. $atterley says it’s OK to bulldoze more than 200 hectares of forest and bushland - because there’s so much around!! That’s more than half the size of Kings Park that $atterley reckons is fine to flatten!

We thought the Hills are the Hills - BECAUSE of the environment!! What do YOU think? Does this pass the Pub Test? Tell us what you reckon in the comments below! (Keep em respectful folks).

Federal approval (known as the EPBC), still has NOT been granted for this enormous environmental destruction. Our Federal Member for Hasluck, Ken Wyatt is closely monitoring this for us.

We’ll post the entire $atterley report, (as we received it!), on our website soon.

--------------------------------- DONATIONS: It's that time of year where we need to rattle the tins and pay for some ongoing costs related to insurance and upcoming campaigns - like what we do and want to help? Please chip a few bucks our way. • BSB:633 000 • Acc: 160715942 You can also support SPH by donating your Containers for Change to ID: C10307279

Or popping a few $ in the tins at Stoneville Fresh, Begonia Pets and Lazy Corner.

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