BREAKING NEWS!! Our PUB TEST returns! But first! NO Nigel NO!!!! A 100% ‘NO TO NORTH STONEVILLE’ from all 15 Mundaring and Swan Candidates who responded to our Council Election Survey! Candidates McNeil (elected unopposed), Milton, Zlatnik, Wawrik, Cicchini, Cook, Hanley, Grosso, Fyfe, Kabat, Dunne, Parker, Irwin, Beale and Ellery pledge to honour the Community, Council and WAPC rejections of the dangerous and destructive firetrap North Stoneville plan! 4 haven't responded as yet: Mundaring Shire’s Craies, and City of Swan’s Caddies, Zannino and Rossouw. VOTING CLOSES OCTOBER 16! Councillors are OUR Community voice! And Community power drives Save Perth Hills! We urge every one of you to vote NOW!! And - Standby! A brand new Save Perth Hills’ PUB TEST is back - tomorrow night! Get ready to respond to ‘THE $ATTERLEY $AGA REVEAL!!!! See Less