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Save Perth Hills Inc


THANK YOU Greg Rankine , local vollie and Stoneville resident, for speaking up on behalf of bushfire prone communities, on 7 News last night.

Given the developments around the alleged cause of the Wooroloo Bushfire, there must be NO MORE DELAYS by the Government to call a full and open PUBLIC Inquiry.

The court case will procced. But it does NOT prevent an Inquiry into the management of this catastrophic blaze, and what should be done differently next time… especially given WA’s Bushfire Planning Framework is currently under review.

Bushfire prone communities, such as ours, MUST BE ARMED with the latest information. Our next Bushfire Season is less than 12 weeks away.

The Keelty Report, into Roleystone’s 2011 bushfire, sparked by a person using an angle grinder, was given Royal Commission powers, and was completed within 6 months of that disaster. It told State Parliament, in 2011, about WA’s ‘inadequate ability to minimise bushfire risk’, with the uncanny warning - ‘potential for another Roleystone remains'. Head of the-then FESA was sacked after that scathing Report.

Wooroloo Bushfire was the Perth Hills’ biggest bushfire, and burned to Perth’s suburban fringe. As Greg Rankine said, our region is 'vulnerable and volatile' - to all kinds of bushfire threats.

An Inquiry is IMPERATIVE. There are no excuses left.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Media Release

It has been 12 months today since the WA Planning Commission rejected proposed North $toneville. It was refused largely on the basis that $atterley did not convince the Commission that the proposal meets the intent and objectives of State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas. 1 year on and $atterley pushes on with appealing that decision through mediation at the State Administrative Tribunal, despite the worst Perth Hills bushfire in living memory (Feb 2021). In the meantime, Save Perth Hills has gone back to the WA Planning Commission seeking to have the land zoned back to rural. A decision is still pending but we are encouraged by the precautionary approach of the WAPC pending further advice.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

So the $aga drags on, as $atterley and the Anglican Church persist in trying to make their Dangerous and Destructive North $toneville Disaster Plan, less of a Disaster. Sooooo...ANOTHER mediation hearing will be on August 12th ... more than ONE YEAR after WA’s Planning Commission rightly REJECTED the plan. Which makes it even more important that you come and sign our Wooroloo Bushfire Inquiry Petition at Mundaring Markets this Sunday (tomorrow), June 13, 10am-3pm! It’s your LAST CHANCE to add YOUR name to 3000 signatures before the Petition goes to State Parliament on Tuesday! We need PLANNING to be part of the Bushfire Inquiry to stop developments like North $toneville - and a halt to subdivisions in Extreme Bushfire Zones, until the Inquiry is complete. As our own Greg Rankine said in his FB Video, (see our previous post), viewed by more than 2,200 people: "Cookie cutter developments, like $atterley’s North $toneville, are dangerous plans of the past. We need to PLAN DIFFERENTLY for the future."

█ Join us 11am this Tuesday on State Parliament’s steps, (Harvest Terrace, West Perth), as we hand our Petition to East Metro MLC Matt Swinbourn MLC for tabling. Come along and help support a safer Perth’s Hills for everyone!

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