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Save Perth Hills Inc

9/6/21 - UPDATE - our deputation went well today. Everything that needed to be said, was said. Part of our presentation today included this video summary of North Stoneville being undefendable in a bushfire situation. It’s compelling to say the least. We thank Greg Rankine for his insight, wisdom and courage to speak candidly. We will let you know the next steps from the tribunal and the $atterley/Anglican Church appeal against the WA Planning Commission.

Tomorrow morning, be sure to catch former SPH Chair, Paige McNeil on ABC radio - Paige has been driving the push behind the scenes to rezone the proposed North $toneville land back to rural. Tune into Nadia Mitsopolous’ ABC 720 tomorrow morning (8.40am).

Finally - remember that we need as many people who can make it to join us on the steps of Parliament House on the 15th June at 11am. We’ll be saying more about this over the coming days.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

WIsh us luck everyone! Tomorrow a small Save Perth Hills team are back at the State Administrative Tribunal. We will be making the case, yet again, that $atterley and the Anglican Church pushing ahead with destructive North $toneville must end. Tomorrow is all about bushfire risks and with what we all lived through last summer, surely commonsense will prevail to end the drawn out mediation process. $atterley lawyers will be there, Ray Stokes from $atterley will be there. DFES will be there... This AMAZING Perth Hills community has backed us all the way and we know you'll be there in spirit.

Some facts: - It's been 2 and half years since 1000 people said NO to North Stoneville in public submissions - It's almost been almost one year since the WA Planning Commission refused SP34 - It's been 10 months since Satterley and the Anglican Church appealed - 8 months since Mediation started - 30 long years since our community first objected

It wasn’t right then – the evidence proves it’s not right now. So, we will be asking for a full, open, transparent Public Hearing on North Stoneville.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Hey everyone - 11am Tuesday the 15th June, we will be presenting our petition of 3000 signatures to the Matt Swinbourn MLC. You’ll remember that the petition is calling for a halt to development plans in the bushfire prone Perth Hills pending the outcome of the February 2021 Wooroloo Fires Inquiry…. That inquiry is currently MISSING IN ACTION and we are asking, what the FIRETRUCK ?!

PLEASE JOIN US on the steps of Parliament House for 30 mins? Media will be there and the more of us flying the Save Perth Hills message, the better! Please don’t leave it for others to do - if you can make it - please turn up!

In addition to the above, we head back to the State Administrative Tribunal next Wednesday 9th of June to make the case, YET AGAIN, for an end to the endless mediation… And to move $atterley’s and the Anglican Church's North $toneville to an open and public inquiry… ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

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