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Save Perth Hills Inc

Over the weekend we hit the milestone of 2000 signatures - have you signed? You’ll remember we are calling for a halt to development plans in the bushfire prone Perth Hills pending the outcome of the February 2021 Wooroloo Fires Inquiry...

Will you help us get to 3000 or more signatures before we submit the petition to the WA State Parliament??

Remember - the 9th of June is coming up and that’s when Satterley will be back at the State Administrative Tribunal making the case yet again for their refused structure plan. Secret discussions behind closed doors is no place for such an important decision that will;

  • affect the bushfire safety of thousands of people

  • impact hundreds of hectares of habitat and,

  • alter the very fabric of what makes the hills, the hills.

  • Stay tuned for important updates as we approach the next mediation hearing…

  • In the meantime, please support the amazing businesses who are hosting our petition signing efforts and if you haven’t signed, be sure to add your name and ask everyone you know to do the same. You’ll find our petition at:

- Maggie Thompson Naturopath

- Paul’s veg shop in Mt Helena

Oh and you'll also find us at the upcoming Gidgegannup Small Farm Field day on the 30th May!

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Save Perth Hills Inc

While $atterley and the Anglican Church prepare $olutions to their North $toneville Disaster Plan - IN PRIVATE, other important bushfire-related business is taking a back seat... Big questions hang over the Wooroloo Bushfires...

After almost 3 months we still don’t know - What ignited the blaze that destroyed 87 homes? When will the inquiry occur? What are the Terms of Reference? Will PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT be included? (Surely?) Will the inquiry be DFES-led - or, Independent? Will those who fought the fires be allowed to speak up? Will new Emergency Services Minister Reece Whitby MLA meet us, as requested, to discuss?

Those answers could dramatically impact - even over-turn, ‘$olutions’ being made about North $toneville - right now. But there’s not even a whiff of the Inquiry in the wind...

Interestingly, WA’s peak body, for our 20,000 INCREDIBLE Bushfire Volunteers, says Wooroloo’s Inquiry MUST be INDEPENDENT to avoid fuelling - “the unhelpful perception it has something to hide.” So what do you think?

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Save Perth Hills Inc

As we came out of another lockdown, we were reminded of February’s lockdown, when thousands were confronted by Perth Hills' worst-ever bushfires.

Since then, around 1500 of you rallied against the Anglican Church's North $toneville DISASTER PLAN, and Save Perth Hills have been rallying politicians to SAFEGUARD bushfire prone communities.

We've asked new Emergency Services Minister, Reece Whitby MLA, and Swan Hills' Jessica Shaw MLA, to help us secure PLANNING in the Wooroloo Bushfire Inquiry.

And last week, Australia's Governor-General toured Wooroloo meeting some of the 300 bushfire victims.

All this, while $atterley and the Church drag their Disaster Plan through ‘mediation’ hearings - the next which is on the 9th of June...

But what’s happened in the 4 hearings so far, where discussions and decisions are being made on ‘our behalf’?

Well - we don’t know, because they’re closed to the public.

We believe private hearings are no place for significant and impacting COMMUNITY decisions.

Ultimately, lives will depend on decisions about North Stoneville.

North $toneville MUST be decided in a FULL OPEN PUBLIC HEARING to demonstrate transparent and democratic decision-making.

The June 9 ‘closed mediation’ MUST BE THE LAST. Satterley and the Church have had 5 years to prove their case.

And our Community has said ‘NO’ for 30 years.

It's time to lay this dangerous and destructive plan on the line, publicly and put an end to the nonsense that is North $toneville, once and for all.

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