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Save Perth Hills Inc

The Save Perth Hills Rally is coming up on the 7th March!

Make sure it's in your calendar.

Did you know that Satterley and the Anglican Church stand to pocket an estimated $700 million out of the proposed North $toneville development...? Something we can't get our heads around though... how is this plan even on the table still following the recent Perth Hills fire catastrophe?

We wrote to the developer and landowner on the 4th of Feb but there has been no response. The silence from this lot is deafening... so much for consulting with the community...

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Save Perth Hills Inc

There was a very important hearing scheduled at the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) today, where Satterley and North $toneville landowner, the Anglican Church, are trying to REVERSE the REJECTION of their dangerous and destructive North Stoneville plan. We understand that the hearing was going to be all about Bushfire Dangers at North Stoneville. Inexplicably, the hearing was ‘adjourned’ - at the last minute... But neither Nigel Satterley - nor Anglican Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy - who stand to make hundreds of million dollars out of North Stoneville, have bothered to tell us why...

We wonder, after last week’s catastrophic bushfires... has the penny finally dropped that cramming 4000 people into an Extreme Bushfire Zone IS a really bad idea?

As one of our supporters has suggested: Perhaps Nigel Satterley and Archbishop Goldsworthy could come up and visit the devastated areas and see the destruction to experience the real life impact on the community.

Then, perhaps they can turn their North Stoneville desk-top exercise into something a little more real.

So, when their mediation hearing on Bushfire Dangers is re-scheduled, they could offer some valuable insight - and perhaps draw the common-sense conclusion that urbanising Perth’s Hills is no longer an option.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

IMPORTANT - the date for the upcoming Save Perth Hills Rally has been moved from the 14th Feb to the 7th March.

*We call on every concerned West Australian to join the Perth Hills community and say NO WAY to developments in fire prone areas.*

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH - the North $toneville proposal must end NOW!

Spread the word - 7th March, 9:30 am Sculpture Park.

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