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Save Perth Hills Inc

Pass this around people - THIS is one reason of MANY why we need to shine a light on what happens once the bulldozers wipe the landscape. We kicked off our current campaign with an important message - ONCE IT'S GONE, IT'S GONE! And just look at how these poor roos are being treated at Brabham It's an utter disgrace. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The way in which the land is being treated MUST change. WHY would we erase beautiful habitat to create another MOONSCAPE! Satterley and the Anglican Church want to do this just up the hill. For over 30 years this community has said NO WAY. Stand by for some big announcements and updates folks!

For more updates and to offer help to these roos, check out:

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Waiting... waiting... Our community has waited for a North Stoneville resolution for almost 30 years. Despite 3 decades, disastrous bushfires and consistent opposition to a plan that risks thousands of lives - we’re still waiting. But wait. We’ve been asked to wait - again... In the lead up to the hottest Christmas Day for more than half a century, more than 130 of you signed, or emailed, your support for a Save Perth Hills’ Christmas gift to Anglican Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy who has power to ‘STOP!’ the destructive townsite on her Anglican Stoneville land. Our gift, ‘The Possum Whisperer’, is a book by local resident Steve Quartly featuring encounters with wild possums on his Mundaring property. But, Anglican Trustees’ boss, Keith Stephens, told us we couldn’t see the Archbishop, so, we delivered the book, personally, to her office on Christmas Eve. Like us, it’s waiting for her. We included an invitation to come up to the Hills to meet the possums. While we wait to hear from the Archbishop, we also wait for the EXTENDED mediation on $atterley and the Church’s appeal against North Stoneville’s rejection by DFES, our Shire Councillors, WA’s Planning Commission, politicians from every side, and us, the Community. C’mon Kay - we’re not a desk-top exercise up here, we're a Community - at risk. We’d love to talk to you, if only you’d agree to talk to us! (Or, won’t Keith let you?) We invite you to share our New Year’s resolution: ‘Enough is Enough’ - and visit the Hills, to see for yourself the beauty of our possums’ environment, and the beast - that would become your North Stoneville. We eagerly await your response. Again.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

So.... $atterley has been granted more time in the appeal process with the WAPC at the State Administrative Tribunal. If this were a footy game, we'd say "c'mon ump!" 🤷

Seriously though - if mediation hasn't worked to this point - what will be different in Feb 2021? WHY are $atterley and the Anglican Church being given more time...? An urban estate in an extreme bushfire zone is still a disaster in the making, no matter what happens on the 10th Feb . We're not sure this one passes the pub test. Needless to say - this community is watching!

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