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Save Perth Hills Inc

At the Save Perth Hills AGM last month, we reflected on some incredible accomplishments by the Perth Hills Community over the past 12 months. Not everyone could make the AGM, so we thought we'd share the annual Chair report for what this brilliant community has achieved. Have a read, you'll be inspired 🤩 (See the comments below by Save Perth Hills for the report)

PS: While the Anglican Church and $atterley push on with their appeal process to the State Administrative Tribunal, we know that the job is not yet done. Stay tuned for further updates. In the background we will be continuing to work on strategies to ensure bad planning proposals don't ever get to this stage again! ⚡️🙌

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Many of you are asking...❓❓❓

What's the latest with $atterley and the Anglican Church's DISGRACEFUL APPEAL of the WA Planning Commission's wise REJECTION of the dangerous and destructive North Stoneville plan?

Great question! 👍

Well, the plan is being 'mediated' at the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT). 🙄

Basically, a bunch of lawyers for $atterley and the Church, are trying to convince a bunch of lawyers from the Planning Commission that $atterley can overcome FOUR ☝️☝️☝️☝️ State Planning contraventions in its unwanted plan - AND work out how to get 4000+ residents - AND the rest of us, out of a burning Extreme Bushfire Zone - without anyone being killed or injured.

But - we can't give you any details - because mediation is held in PRIVATE. 🚫

Yep - just how $atterley might be planning to save (or risk) our lives - is being held behind closed doors.

There was a hearing yesterday (Dec 4). The next is Friday (Dec 11).

Save Perth Hills will be told after Dec 14, if a 'solution' was agreed to - or - if the case goes to a Full and PUBLIC hearing.

That's what we want, of course...

There's been no opportunity to include the 2020 Summer of Fires Royal Commission findings at Mediation: ("Development in bushfire prone zones should be avoided.")

While we wait, we want you to know there's increasing un-rest right across Perth, about dangerous, inappropriate and unwanted development.

Save Perth Hills' banners flew high last week at Parliament House with groups from Joondalup to Gelorup and everything in between - calling for greater community involvement to avoid planning disasters, just like the hideous, dangerous and destructive North Stoneville.

For now, stay tuned - we can't wait to tell you how the Anglican Church is trying to get this plan across the line.

(Hint: It 100% doesn't involve the Community... surprise surprise...)😡

And remember! Help finance our fight to be a Save Perth Hills' Hero! You can donate via the Bendigo Bank: BSB - 633000 Account -160715942. We're so grateful for your incredible support!🙏

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Save Perth Hills Inc

*Tomorrow - Saturday Nov 28 -10am, Parliament House*

There's an important 'Town Hall' gathering on the steps of Parliament House, tomorrow, and we're all invited.

While Satterley and the Anglican Church battle out their expensive, and embarrassing, appeal against the WA Planning Commission's wise REJECTION of the dangerous and destructive plan to put 4000+ people inside an Extreme Fire Zone at North Stoneville, our friends at Perth Alliance for Responsible Urban Planning are campaigning against Urban Planning Disasters.

North Stoneville is one of them...

People, from Perth's Hills (of course!), Joondalup, Ocean Reef, Herne Hill, Gnangara, Subiaco, Nedlands, Gelorup and pretty much anything in between, are angry how inappropriate planning decisions are being plundered through Parliament with no regard for established communities, and little, or ZERO, regard for the environment and bushfire risks. (Now that's familiar...)

The State Election is just 14 weeks away.

So come along tomorrow morning, hear the stories of others, share ours, and let politicians know the community voice must be heard. It's just for an hour. Come and help us fly the Save Perth Hills banners.

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