Satterley has finally lodged its Federal intention to destroy habitat at proposed ‘North $toneville’.
PLEASE! HELP US FLOOD the IN-BOX of Australia’s Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, AND local Federal MP Tania Lawrence. Ask Minister Plibersek to REJECT Satterley’s destruction bid.
Let them know ‘We VOTE – FOR the Environment, and we’ll VOTE for the Party that SAVES it.’
Nigel Satterley wants to bulldoze around 60,000 trees and wipe out more than 165 HECTARES of native vegetation.
This is Federally-recognised Endangered Black Cockatoo and Chuditch habitat, home to 100's of local roos, blue wrens, red robins, reptiles and flora and soooo much more
$atterley’s OUTRAGEOUS “OFFSET” (land he’ll buy to ‘negate’ Stoneville’s loss), is an isolated, environmentally unconnected corridor of land - in WILLIAMS - 180 kms from North Stoneville! WHAT THE...
Minister Plibersek will decide North Stoneville’s environmental fate in a few weeks.
Here are some points to consider for your email:
Dear Minister and Ms Lawrence,
RE: EPBC 2018/8382
I VOTE FOR the Environment, and I need YOU to SAVE North Stoneville.
Williams which is 180km away is NOT a suitable offset! (How do Chuditchs travel 180km to Williams to reach this ‘offset’? How do our Black Cockatoos know to go to Williams to breed?)
Bulldozing 60,000 trees will NEVER be ‘Nature Positive’
$atterley’s application IGNORES Climate Change
There is NO reference to the 2021 Wooroloo Bushfire (5kms from North Stoneville) which devastated local habitat
There is NO reference to 2023-24’s drought that has wiped out thousands of trees
The proposal will REDUCE Black Cockatoo habitat for Baudin's and Carnaby's black cockatoo (Baudin's is potentially facing extinction within 20 years)
The Perth Hills are a biodiverse environment – not an urban sprawl development site!
Here are the emails you need:
PLEASE! Write ASAP - to Save North Stoneville