ANOTHER $atterley delay to the North $toneville outcome…
This time $atterley says it needs to wait for the Federal Govt's approval to bulldoze around 200 hectares of Stoneville bush.
That decision may - or may not - happen in September.
Funny that $atterley chose last week to seek a delay - as Prime Minister Albanese visited Perth?
Given Nigel $atterley wined the PM at an Eagles match last year on national TV - we wonder if the two found time to catch up last week?
Perhaps a chat about the upcoming Federal election?
Perhaps a chin wag over Labor's Federal election campaign funding $?$
Perhaps all things 'environmental' about North $toneville... and the Feds' 'pesky' Nature Positive legislation?
Oh to be a fly on the wall...
$atterley's delay was on....