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Save Perth Hills Inc

SP79 ( Structure Plan 79 Kilburn Rd / Brindle Rd , Parkerville subdivision - The Shire Of Mundaring have kindly given an extension to residents to submit their concerns and objections to the current proposal

Till Friday 14th August

Make sure you have your say


Submissions to the Shire are due by 3pm Friday Aug 14th on the adhoc and inappropriate subdivision for at least 58 suburban homes on the old Parkerville Farm-corner of Kilburn and Brindle Rds.

Concerns that our Community have raised include

-Contravenes State Bushfire Planning Policy 3.7

-Bushfire risk (2008 fire started at Brindle Rd)

-Traffic impact on dangerous roads that are at capacity now

-No infrastructure, no parks, no playgrounds

-Clutterbuck Creek at risk from contaminants from septics

If this Structure Plan 79 proceeds as is, it will give the developer a blank canvas to utilise every square inch of land, house upon house upon house. No historical sheds or artifacts. NO PLAYGROUNDS, NO PARKS, DESTRUCTION OF LANDSCAPE.

What you can do

Write your submission by 3pm Friday 14th August

Email your submissions to

Or drop them into the Shire Offices

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Save Perth Hills Inc

We’ve asked a lot of you lately - but this is really important...

Please - write to the Shire to object - submissions must be in by this Friday Aug 7...

Stoneville & Parkerville Progress Association Inc (SPPA)


The battle against dangerous and destructive Hills development continues to rear its ugly head AND WITH NO COMMUNITY CONSULTATION-AGAIN!!!!!

Parkerville Farm (Structure Plan 79), is next door to the REFUSED, bushfire risk, North Stoneville.

On Anglican land, it’s another example of adhoc, inappropriate and outdated planning that our community rejects.

The plan, for 58 half-acre lots on Kilburn and Brindle Roads, boasts fire trap features like North Stoneville.

Our Community and Planning Minister Rita Saffioti, have given the Shire a MANDATE TO REVIEW ITS LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME (LPS) AS A MATTER OF URGENCY to stop these money-grabbing, dangerous pop-up estates, and instead plan a future that protects and promotes our unique environment, and safeguards our communities.

Last week Mundaring Shire CEO, Jonathan Throssell, told Ratepayer groups that the Shire’s Community Strategic Plan, (which puts Environment as Number One Priority), “DRIVES EVERYTHING WE DO”.

Our Shire needs to HIT PAUSE ON ADHOC DEVELOPMENTS pending the LSP review.



Just a few words – or a lot!

Outline your thoughts / concerns:

•Contravenes State Bushfire Policy 3.7

•Huge risks of adding 200+ people (mostly families) into an Extreme Bushfire Zone

•Fire trap development with complex road layouts

•Traffic dangers on roads already at capacity

•Zero infrastructure

•Sewerage leaks from 58 septic tanks into groundwater

•Clutterbuck Creek at risk

•Contradicts the Shire’s own plan to put Environment, first.

If you need help – let us know!

Use the link on the Shire website (Current Projects)

Email your submission to

Or drop it off at the Shire by 3 pm Friday.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

An intriguing post from the high-end communications company that looks (looked? 🤔) after $atterley's Anglican Church North $toneville Disaster Plan, which has been REFUSED by the WA Planning Commission because it's too dangerous.

Titled 'Building Relationships Before You Build', the article pours praise on Save Perth's Hills' 'sophisticated campaign', and calls out developers who ignore communities and their concerns.

$atterley chose to ignore our community, and by the looks of it - their own advisors, resulting in an historic win for Perth's Hills.

Our campaign has always been about community, and so we will never forget how $atterley laughed in our faces as we 'dared' to speak of grave bushfire fears, and made ZERO attempts to talk to us as a collective, concerned and committed community.

We will also never forget how the Anglican Church is guilty of the same offence - steadfastly refusing to meet with us, despite countless requests - the most recent, just last week.

The level of arrogance shown by this developer and landowner, with their willingness to put thousands of lives at risk and destroy hundreds of hectares of native forest - and expect the community to be silent, is shameful.

We urge all communities across Perth to stand together and with a loud and united voice, demand safe and responsible development which places people first, not profits.

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