There’s been a PHENOMENAL PUBLIC RESPONSE to our post about the WAPC's REFUSAL of the Anglican Church's North Stoneville plan!
Tens of thousands of you - at last count, 29,105 - and still climbing, 😊 have read how BUSHFIRE RISKS make North Stoneville too dangerous to approve.
So, Anglican Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy - we URGE you, NOT TO APPEAL this decision, which has been made to safeguard our fire prone community from insurmountable and potentially deadly bushfire risks.
Archbishop Goldsworthy - we have made numerous unsuccessful requests over 19 long months to meet with you.
We wrote to you on Thursday asking, yet again, and in good faith as always, to please meet with us about this significant decision that closes the door on a plan of the past, and opens a new door into the future. We await your response.
Now is the time to talk about Perth's Hills' future - with the Hills' community! There are so many exciting opportunities to celebrate Perth Hills’ unique bio-diverse environment.
The Echo’s coverage of the REFUSAL decision outlines the Community’s on-going commitment to ensure Perth's Hills are saved from dangerous urbanisation...
#TheAnglicanArchbishopOfPerth #ArchbishopKayGoldsworthy #MatthewHughes #RitaSaffioti #AnglicanEcoCare