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Save Perth Hills Inc

In about 4 weeks, and after 26 years, the Anglican Church and $atterley’s North Stoneville PLANNING DISASTER will face, we hope, its FINAL Judgement Day.

Over to you, our Faithful Followers! 🤩

In January 2019, almost 1,000 of us wrote to Mundaring Shire, dead against proposed North $toneville.

Our Councillors listened, and now the Shire of Mundaring is moving towards a future that protects Perth’s Hills, and its community, from urbanisation in a fire prone area.

But, we need the WA Planning Commission to reject North Stoneville forever.


Please write a Deputation (short letter), explaining why North $toneville is a planning disaster and needs to be rejected. This is not a drill! It is an urgent call-to-action and it is time to GET CRACKING!


- You can simply update your brilliant 2019 submission to the Mundaring Shire!

- Or, use our Fact Sheet and Template to write a new one 😊

Please email your deputation to us at: or post to Save Perth Hills, PO Box 33, Stoneville, WA 6081 and we will present your deputation to the WAPC - on behalf of this incredible Community. (That’s all of you 😉)

Ask us questions if you need help! We’re here to help you - because you’re helping Our Community!

FINAL NOTE: Can you get ALL your family to write one each! Your friends, neighbours, work colleagues, local businesses and anyone else you can think of. The Hills need us now more than ever.

Once it's gone, it's gone!

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Save Perth Hills Inc

The North Stoneville Planning Disaster is getting a good airing in Parliament right now - for all the right reasons! So why is the WA Planning Commission yet to announce Judgement Day for the Anglican Church’s Planning Disaster? (otherwise known as North Stoneville 🤑) Is $atterley still pondering a time to tear down and a time to build? 🤔 As for Save Perth Hills - we’re just hoping for a Miracle on SP34! 😇 Hang in there! We’re on a Mission! And we’ll need your help very soon!!The State Parliament recently debated and passed Labor's Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2020.

Post From Liam Staltari Member for Kalamunda

The State Parliament recently debated and passed Labor's Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2020. I knew straight away that we needed to make sure that this Bill would NOT let the Planning Minister ram the North Stoneville Townsite through. That would be a bad outcome for the community. That’s why I wrote to the Shadow Planning Minister, Tjorn Sibma MLC. At my request, he asked the Government in Parliament to reconfirm that the Bill will not allow the Minister to do this. The Government confirmed that it will not. It is so important that our Hills community has certainty on this point. You can see his letter in reply to me below.👇🏼

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Save Perth Hills Inc

As the Anglican Church’s dangerous and destructive North Stoneville Planning Disaster heads to its ultimate Judgement Day, letters of political support keep rolling in to SAVE PERTH HILLS!

The latest, from Federal Cabinet Minister and local Federal Member for Hasluck, Ken Wyatt.

Ken understands our fragile native environment must be protected. The Church’s planned destruction of over 200 hectares of bushland to build tiny 💲atterley houses inside an Extreme Bushfire Zone is unacceptable to our leaders, our community and future generations.

We’re on the Home Run folks! A decision looms in July.

Stick with us... we’ll need your help to get this Planning Disaster shut down - forever.

Details soon!

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