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Save Perth Hills Inc

Tomorrow night, the most important motion to rezone North Stoneville back to rural land will be decided by our Council. If you don’t want hundreds of hectares of bush cleared for suburbia, and 4000+ people living inside an Extreme Fire Zone, then email your opinion (called a deputation) to -

Let your voice be heard to SAVE PERTH HILLS, because the future of our Hills is in our Councillors’ hands and they need to know you support them and want them to act now.

Your opinion will count!! Here’s your chance! Let our Councillors know you want the North Stoneville land re-zoned!

Deputations (email submissions) must be received by 4 pm Tuesday 12th May.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Rezoning the land is the logical next step in this long and sorry saga, and tells the State Government that the urbanisation of the Hills is inappropriate, NOT a safe and responsible growth strategy, severely mis-aligned to current State Government planning policy and is not wanted by the community.

The Shire of Mundaring’s historic (20 years ago) growth strategy was increased population/rate revenue from North Stoneville and North Parkerville.

Times have changed. The Shire recently invested significant funds into a Community Engagement program and many alternate economic development strategies were suggested. We have asked at Electors Meetings for the revision of the Town Planning Scheme to be bought forward and made a priority many many times. The financial burden of SP34 to the Shire / ratepayers for the upgrade the road system alone will run into millions of dollars. Not to mention the extreme bushfire risk, lack of evacuation exits, environmental destruction, and all the other reasons the Shire Councillors voted to REFUSE SP34 on August 27, in front of 1100 ratepayers/residents.

Please remind me – who owns the Shire of Mundaring… that’s right, the community do.

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