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Save Perth Hills Inc

Perth Hills’ teenager Andrew Wallace, a Year 8 student, has completed a remarkable environmental study into a 56-acre site north of Parkerville, adjacent to the proposed and controversial North Stoneville site. This study over three years is now an acclaimed environmental report: ‘Biodiversity records from native forest and cleared pasture adjacent to the proposed North Stoneville development site (Structure Plan 34) 2017-2020.’

His report found Marri and Jarrah trees were a prime feeding and breeding habitat for Endangered Black Cockatoos and a nesting pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles, with a diverse bird fauna of 77 identified species.

He concludes, the bush surrounding and in North Stoneville is diverse and should be preserved with care. Many of its fauna are rare or endangered and are only found in small remnant pockets around Perth. If North Stoneville (SP34) goes ahead, it will result in biodiversity loss and the further fragmentation of habitats. The bush land here is crucial breeding area for many animals and hundreds of valuable tree hollows will be lost.

Read the full report here.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Update from the Chair - Paige McNeil:15/4/2020

I had an excellent phone conversation with one of our remarkable Perth Hills’ community members wanting to understand more about Save Perth Hills and where we’re up to in our “Fight against North Stoneville”.

This caused me to reflect on our purpose.

Save Perth Hills is committed to a safe community and preserving the unique environment, heritage and culture of Perth’s Hills.

I then imagined all the projects Save Perth Hills could support. Fighting “for” causes which would enhance this precious biodiversity hotspot.

But alas, reality has forced us to fight, AGAIN, against an inappropriate urban development which is dangerous to our community and destructive to the environment.

As you may know, this fight is not new. Save Perth Hills was established around 20 years ago, by courageous men and women, some of whom have sadly passed, and others who remain outstanding community citizens and have handed the baton to the current committee.

‘North Stoneville’ was a bad idea in the 1990s and it’s a dangerous and destructive idea now, in our drying and heating climate, when mega-fires have changed the rules. Just last week Perth recorded its hottest April day, 39.5. I attach a recent article about the dangers of suburban developments in fire prone regions.

Since we were informed by the WA Planning Commission (WAPC) about another delay on ‘North Stoneville’ (until 31st July or later), I’ve written to WAPC Chair, David Caddy, requesting a date be set ASAP and technology be used to facilitate deputations requested on top of the almost 1000 community written objections.

Our community managed, in just 3 short weeks over Christmas 2018, to review Satterley’s 10+ reports and prepare 957 objections to the Shire.

The Shire then needed 3 extra months to prepare its case for August 2019 when our Council unanimously voted NO to ‘North Stoneville’. And now Satterley and the WAPC get another 3 months’ extension - and maybe longer, despite everyone being prepared for an April 21st hearing!

There’s been enough time to determine the outcome. Our Community has spoken, and all sides and levels of politics object to ‘North Stoneville’, including our Shire and Councillors.

Save Perth Hills is not going away. We’re a permanent community fixture. We’ll continue to press for a timely decision on ‘North Stoneville’.

There is no reason to delay.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Here at Save Perth Hills, we have a healthy supply of our famous car stickers.... and it would be a shame to not put them to good use. After all, we are NOT going to go away! 😉 So here's the plan - will you join Save Perth Hills and brighten up your letterbox? (We know you have the time to reply 😉)

You can say one of these: 'yes', yep, yip, for sure, yeah mate, sure cob, 100%, you had me at sticker...'


OK brilliant - then send us a message on Facebook or email us with your address and your sticker placement instructions. One of our crew will adhere the sticker as instructed. Social distancing campaigning to Save Perth Hills can be done ✅ P.S. remember to message or email us! P.P.S. Stickers are 29cm x 8cm P.P.P.S. gates, fence post and meter boxes make great alternative locations

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