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Save Perth Hills Inc

Save Perth Hills always puts our community’s safety first.

It's what this long fight (20 years!!) against the NORTH STONEVILLE PLANNING DISASTER is all about: protecting our community from danger.

Today is no exception, as we officially CANCEL our Rally for this Sunday, due to public health concerns.

Our information indicated you would turn up in your thousands. Of course!! From the Hills, suburbs and even down south at Gelorup. But we wouldn’t risk placing any of you in danger - so we pulled the pin.

Which is what the Anglican Church should do to North Stoneville...Hard decisions are very easy when community safety is at risk. So take our lead, Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy - and pull the pin to protect our community, with honour and grace. Anglican Social Responsibilities

Take a leaf out of our book, Nigel Satterley and pull the pin - and prove you aren’t about putting profits before people.

A HUGE Thank You to our amazing band of united politicians - Matthew Hughes (Local Member - Labor- Kalamunda), Ken Wyatt, (Federal Member - Liberal - Hasluck), Charles Smith (Independent), Tim Clifford (Greens MLC East Metro) and Tjoern Sibma (Opposition Planning spokesman, Liberal). Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda Ken Wyatt Charles Smith MLC @Tim Clifford, Greens MLC for East MetroAll of you are united in saying NORTH STONEVILLE MUST STOP.

There will be another Rally - we promise.

For now stay safe, stay calm.

Amid all the uncertainty - - nothing beats a united and caring community.

We will be collecting the rally banners to save for next time - we've taken most of them and will pick up the rest tomorrow. Thanks for your support and fences.

A HUGE thank you to the 35 volunteers running around dropping flyers into letterboxes. Your efforts are appreciated and have not been wasted. You have helped up get the facts out across the shire and broadened our support base. So THANK YOU

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Placing 4000 additional residents into a fire risk situation makes no sense! This point alone should be enough to take proposed North $toneville off the table... but here we are, still arguing what is blatant commonsense to our community.

Turning up this Sunday the 15th March is an absolute MUST. Through sheer numbers of people rallying will the point get through to the State Labor Government, the WAPC and others. If there was ever a classic case of GREED, it is the Anglican Diocese of Perth forging ahead with Satterley Property Group on a dangerous and destructive urban sprawl plan - What ARE they thinking? This unsafe Structure Plan MUST be removed 📣

When the current Save Perth Hills campaign kicked off in December 2018, the ABC published an article that included the Australian Local Government areas most at risk from bushfire. This article has only increased in relevance given recent events. See reference below...

Sooo... what are you doing this Sunday at 9:30am? You're invited to stand up with this community and RALLY 📣Bring the family, your friends, your neighbours, your cousins, your workmates and anyone else you can as this community joins together in the call for commonsense!

People power is making a difference but it only works when we join together and show up 🤩

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Call-to-ACTION! Every time we have put the call-out for this community to stand up, YOU have been SPECTACULAR!This Sunday the 15th March, we need you all to show up and send a deafening message to: ...

👉 The Anglican Diocese of Perth

👉 Nigel Satterley

👉 The WAPC

👉 The Premier of WA

👉 The Shire of Mundaring

THIS community says NO WAY to proposed North Stoneville. Our grassroots movement has grown to a wave that people all across Perth have heard of and understand - that is, that the Perth Hills backyard is no place for urban sprawl! North $toneville is not a local issue - it affects all WA communities affected by development I$$UES. This is an open invitation to join the Perth Hills Community as we rally. All we ask is that you ACT and TURN UP. It's people power that will win this, so please don't leave it to others.

◼️ Be on time for a 9:30 start. A very large crowd is expected.

◼️ Get your banners and signs ready! \

◼️ Bring everyone!

NB: The Blue Sky Festival kicks off at the end of our rally - please support the stallholders and local businesses on the day - The hills has much to offer!

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