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Save Perth Hills Inc

  1. Hey Nigel Satterley! Do you remember what you said on 6PR Radio last year when you were asked about Perth's urban sprawl boundaries...? It was this 👇"The boundaries are set in my opinion. So, in the North up to Yanchep, Two Rocks. Then you go across to the foothills in the east up to Bullsbrook. So we’re saying that will be the boundaries most likely for the next 40-50 years". If the foothills are the urban boundary... WHY are you developing an urban housing estate DEEP int...o the Perth Hills? When we overlay SP34 onto a section of the Perth Hills .... ◼️ We see the scale of this development. ◼️ We get it when bushfire concerns are raised. ◼️ We see 1400 homes in a rural paddock. ◼️ We see urban sprawl. ◼️ We see the destruction of Perth's backyard and its rural amenity ◼️ We see the hills changing forever. THIS FLAWED PROPOSAL MUST BE WITHDRAWN. THE COMMUNITY SAYS NO! How does this proposed plan fit with the Government strategy of responsible development around existing transport nodes and Metronet? It is THIS and MANY other reasons why OUR community will be RALLYING at Sculpture Park this Sunday 15th March.✔️ Bring your entire street along - This is going to be BIG ✔️ We are anticipating that for the first time, people across Perth will be joining in ✔️ Bring your banners ✔️ Bring your family with you ✔️ DO NOT leave it to someone else - show up!

  2. IMPORTANT: due to expected crowds, aim to arrive at 9AM. We start at 9:30AM sharp and you won't want to miss it!

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Save Perth Hills Inc

The Perth Hills is saying NO WAY to bad planning, dangerous developments and unsustainable urban sprawl. It ends with "proposed" North $toneville. Our beautiful city and its hills backyard deserves MUCH BETTER than a cookie cutter sales job by a developer!

No matter the Satterley spin, the lack of community consultation, the deeply dismissive land owner (that sadly is the Anglican Perth Diocese) or however many glossy brochures get printed, a bad idea is a BAD idea. The community here gets that and it is why we will be rallying again!

📣 Are you joining us next Sunday 15th March at 9:30am? There is a week to go to get your banners and signs ready! We'll be here all week getting prepared, posting daily and reminding EVERYONE to show up next Sunday. 7 days to go people!

***IMPORTANT NOTE*** bring your kids so they can be a part of this movement and see how a strong community shapes its future 📣

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Save Perth Hills Inc

📣 Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy - YOU HAVE THE POWER TO STOP NORTH STONEVILLE. Our local member and ardent supporter Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda is calling on you, to WITHDRAW the dangerous and destructive plan that is North Stoneville (AKA SP-34) Matthew’s passionate letter says that after the the BLACK SUMMER fire crises of 2020, a serious re-think is needed. WE AGREE!!!

Come on Archbishop - you know this is a dangerous plan. Step up, make the call and put an end to it... Perhaps join us with Matthew Hughes and other political leaders at our community rally on the 15th March 9.30AM at Sculpture Park, Mundaring. You will hear the community loud and clear. Will you join us? Will you take North Stoneville off the table and consult with the community on what we really want? Thank you to Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda for your leadership on this matter 👏🏻

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