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Save Perth Hills Inc

Perth's Urban Planning Disaster


Nedlands - 18th Feb 2020

6:30pm to 8:30pm

The planning processes in our state is BROKEN.

If it was working properly, the concept of Satterley and Perth Anglican Diocese proposing to build a suburban housing estate in Australia's 5th most at-risk fire locality would be OFF THE TABLE... Yet Rita Saffioti MLA states a statutory process is underway and cannot be stopped. The people do not agree, Rita... the system, your system, is broken.

From the beaches to the Hills, the community is saying, 'enough is enough'. Perceptions about conflict of interest appear to be rife throughout the WAPC... we demand better!

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Save Perth Hills Inc

9:30AM SUNDAY 15th March 2020.

Please mark this date in your calendars, talk to your neighbours and invite your friends & family. People power will create the change that this community is asking for.

The Blue Sky Festival, with a focus on sustainability, will be held on the same date so come along to the rally and then enjoy the stalls, food and activities of the Festival.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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Save Perth Hills Inc

According to $atterley...

"Once fully developed, North Stoneville will be one of the few areas of the Shire capable of being classified as ‘not bushfire prone’.

This means North Stoneville will be amongst the safest places to live in the Hills."

Are. They. For. Real? 🤨

The world is watching the Eastern States burn. As we are seeing, ember attacks are occurring over kilometres not metres... John Forrest National Park (WA's first and oldest conservation park) is about ~5km from proposed North Stoneville... The Park is 2,678 hectares....

WHY, WHY , WHY build a suburban estate in the same vicinity as a National Park.

We ALL know: a 100 metre Satterley SAFE ZONE would be the most UN-Safe Zone you could ever wish to be in.

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