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Save Perth Hills Inc

We agree Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda - well done for your presence, your interest and your leadership on this issue. Thank you too for encouraging this amazing Perth Hills community to keep going. WE WILL - stay tuned for updates in 2020 ⚡️

...One concern though... we’re not sure we’ll get a FAIR GO from the WA Planning Commission... Every time we take the pulse of the community and run a pub test 🍺 seems that several members could be conflicted? Can you help look into that?

In the Echo Newspaper today, I provided some clarity on the controversial Structure Plan 34 for the North Stoneville townsite. - Matthew Hughes

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Thank you to our local Eagle 🦅 expert, Simon Cherriman. This is AMAZING data which shows scientifically, that Satterley would be destroying know Wedge-Tailed Eagle habit should proposed North Stoneville be allowed to proceed. We can do better than continued urban sprawl which wipes out biodiversity...

Message from Simon Cherriman

HEADS UP about #habitat destruction folks!! See the #Waalitj #eaglet on the right? That's #Ngooni, a #WedgetailedEagle that was satellite-tagged in October 2017. Like his #twin brother #Naakal & many other juveniles of his species, Ngooni has wandered to the far north of Australia & back again during the first 2 years of his dispersal phase, recently 'settling' in an area near #Kalbarri on the west coast of WA, where he's spent the last few months. BUT... last week he shot south & spent 2 days 'resting' in habitat already rezoned & proposed for development by our local, friendly 'lovers of #God's creatures' The Anglican Church & 'concreters of all creatures great & small' Satterley. The first map here shows Ngooni's 450 km incoming journey south to visit & rest up in a nice patch of #NoongarCountry #Marri forest (blue dots), & his subsequent outward journey back to the Kalbarri area (green dots). The 3rd map shows his rest stop in relation to the proposed & gastly @NorthStoneville development site (red outline), which is already home to a breeding pair of adult Wedge-tailed Eagles, whose nest sites are marked with blue dots, & whose home range will be enveloped by housing. The message??


SONGLINES in ancient Australian culture connect places of great significance #oncountry at the landscape scale. So concreting such places (or even filling them in with 'sustainable developments' claiming to minimise environmental impact by clearing 165ha of forest & sticking blocks of houses among the few remaining trees left post-clearing) makes them unusable, not only to local species but to those that travel far & wide too. This patch of #Parkerville is too valuable to lose to dangerous destruction, to the ongoing #deathbyathousandcuts wave of 'progress'. Let's make sure we know this, folks, & we keep the protective dialogue flying. 🦅📡🗺🌳🌳💛💪🏽

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Save Perth Hills Inc

From the Chair: Paige McNeil, Save Perth Hills

Twelve months on and 20 years in the making… we continue to fight to Save the Perth Hills from irresponsible housing developments like Satterley’s North Stoneville (SP34), which are dangerous to our lives and destructive to our environment.

Here’s a re-cap of our extraordinary year – and our plans ahead, which are all thanks to YOU, and your incredible support.

COMMUNITY OPPOSITION: - Almost 1,000 public submissions – in just 3 weeks (unprecedented numbers) - Over 1,000 people rally - April 7, Mundaring Sculpture Park - 1,200 people attend the 27 August Council Meeting (unprecedented numbers) - 250 march on the Anglican Church’s Synod in October - Stoneville Parkerville Progress Association (Ratepayers’ and residents’ group) - Mundaring Residents and Ratepayers Progress Association - Susannah Brook Catchment Group - Thousands of FaceBook supporters, and; - Hundreds of you have sent letters, emails and messages to express your personal opposition


- Matthew Hughes – MLA State Labor - Kalamunda - Hon. Ken Wyatt - Federal Liberal - Hasluck - Mike Nahan - Liberal MLA and Opposition Planning spokesman - Matthew Swinburn - Labor MLC East Metro - Charles Smith - Independent MLC - Tim Clifford - Greens WA MLC - Donna Faragher - Liberal MLC and former State Planning Minister - Terry Redman - WA Nationals leader - Alyssa Hayden - MLA State Liberal - Darling Range


- City of Swan - Unanimous Mundaring Shire Council vote that the WA Planning Commission (WAPC) refuse SP34 because of (but not limited to): • Inadequate road infrastructure to safely evacuate potentially 11,000 residents during an emergency such as fire: 4,000+ from proposed North Stoneville, 2,000 from proposed North Parkerville, plus existing communities of Stoneville and Parkerville comprising 5,000 people (2016 ABS Census) • Non-compliance with State Planning Bush Fire Policy 3.7 • Inadequate road infrastructure to ensure general road safety • Unproven privately-owned sewerage plant and potential ground-water contamination risks and our pristine water catchments • Zero public transport • Hills’ environmental destruction to a recognised International Biodiversity Hotspot • Financial impacts for existing ratepayers to fund roads and infrastructure (Mundaring and Swan) • Misalignment with long-established Hills’ culture, social fabric and amenity • Poor (to zero) community consultation

☞ Land-owner, the Anglican Diocese of Perth , refuses to meet us despite our continued requests. We’ll keep trying. Premier Mark McGowan has been ‘unavailable’ to meet us. WAPC has advised that SP34 is so complex that a decision will be delayed until ‘sometime’ in 2020. Planning Minister Rita Saffioti says she has no role in the WAPC process. But we have uncovered potential and perceived conflicts with some WAPC members, and the Anglican Church and Satterley.

☞ We are asking the WA Ombudsman for judgement and advice. If the Planning Minister can’t stop what’s considered to be a dangerous and destructive Structure Plan, by politicians on all sides, (State and Federal) by almost 1000 community members who put in writing their concerns, and 1200+ at the August 27th Special Council meeting, (possibly the largest ever held in Australia), THEN WHO CAN?

☞ We have asked Ms Saffioti (Dec 7) to tell us, as a matter of urgency.

As you can see, our fight is far from over.

On behalf of the Save Perth Hills committee I thank you for your continued support and I wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas.

In 2020 I promise our voices will continue to be heard - very loudly indeed. Keep Saving Perth Hills!

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