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Save Perth Hills Inc

You might be thinking, what's next for proposed North $toneville?

Well, it will soon be DECISION TIME over at the WA Planning Commission. That is the next BIG step in the process. Given everything that's happened over the past year, we reckon it's important to make sure this community is given a 'FAIR GO' by those involved in proceedings...

So tonight we launch the 'Perth Hills PUB TEST' 🍻 ...the first in a series of posts asking you what you think about some of the official positions and links. Are they a conflict or are they OK? Here's your chance to be the judge and jury...

QUESTION: Do you have an issue with David Caddy as Chairman of the WA Planning Commission?

You might recall a few weeks back, Nine News Perth political reporter, Gary Adshead ran a report regarding North Stoneville. He reported on several potential conflicts of interest related to the decision making process for SP-34.

Is David Caddy conflicted?

• He has business links to Satterley through the Carawatha Display Village in Willagee.

• His wife is a member of the Anglican Synod.

• He's a current member of the Anglican Perth Diocese Architectural committee. (Remember that the Anglican Church is the landowner of proposed North Stoneville...)

• Prior to David Caddy’s appointment as Chairman of WAPC and member of WAPC Strategic Planning Committee in April 2018, David Caddy was founder and Executive Chairman of TPG Town Planning, Urban Design + Heritage (In April 2018 TPG +Place Match, ‘Perth’s largest urban planning firm’ changed its name to Element WA). We understand Mr Caddy is still a director of this urban planning firm?

We're asking all of Perth... does this pass the pub test? Please let us know in your comments below.

Stay tuned, much more to follow...


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Save Perth Hills Inc

Here we go again 😳 More plans to add population in a FIRE PRONE area...

The good people over at Sawyers Valley Residents & Ratepayers Association Inc have put together a brilliant summary on their website regarding new subdivision plans in that area. The property in question sits adjacent to a massive area of state forest. With all the devastation from bush fires 🔥 in the Eastern States, why is this even on the table?

Remember: we are Australia's 5th highest fire risk Shire and the highest in WA. Please consider sending in a submission. Details in the link 👇

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Save Perth Hills Inc

Mark McGowan - we're still here and we're still waiting... Can you please get your people to call our people for a catchup? It's about the Mundaring Shire's biggest planning issue ever... AKA the dangerous and destructive North Stoneville...

Here's where we are at... It has been the hottest-ever Spring where we have just notched up the hottest-ever November day. You would have seen the unseasonal and deadly Spring fires destroy homes and property in NSW and QLD... despite all this, the WA Planning Commission is preparing to consider the Anglican Church's plan to populate Stoneville with an extra 4000 people in 1,450 houses in a suburban style townsite.

*REMINDER* we are situated in WA's highest fire-risk shire... and Australia's 5th highest fire-risk local government overall 😳

We believe, Premier McGowan, that meeting with you is as urgent as it could ever be.... We received an automated response from your office 6 days ago. So we called you up today and were told our request is "with the Premier's deputy Chief of Staff and under consideration" 😳 Not sure that passes the pub-test up here...

Parliament ends on Nov 28... We will keep our community updated on the progress of our request - or lack of it.

Chat soon, Mark!

FYI Rita Saffioti MLA, Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda, Satterley, Anglican EcoCare

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