2025 is THE most crucial year in our 34-year history.
We need your help to protect Perth Hills’ bushfire-prone residents, our Black Cockatoos – and 60,000+ trees.
Satterley and the Anglican Church’s appeal is being heard in WA’s State Tribunal (SAT) later this year, and we need to pay for our community-funded lawyers to drive – and WIN our case for safer and environmentally sensitive planning.
We must never build in extreme bushfire zones and knowingly place thousands of people at huge risks, and where properties face being uninsurable, and possibly, in the near future, unliveable.
We aim to set an important precedent for safer planning for all bushfire-prone Communities around Australia.
Please, support us by donating to Save Perth Hills...
WAYS TO DONATE – we’re 100% Community funded.
Tree Keeper
Adopt a 'North Stoneville' tree to help save 60,000+ TREES FROM SATTERLEY'S BULLDOZERS
Click the image below to donate.​
Donate Direct
Our Bendigo Bank details:
BSB: 633 000. Account Number: 160 715 942
You can also donate using the QR code or donation button below.