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Save Perth Hills Inc

 THIS Sunday! 23 Feb,  10 AM, Sculpture Park, Jacoby St, Mundaring.

SO many people agree proposed North $toneville is a destructive, and increasingly bushfire dangerous plan for Perth's Hills.

State and Federal politicians have voiced concerns for years now about our Community's bushfire safety and unacceptable environmental impacts of 60,000 TREES being BULLDOZED by $atterley.

To be clear, Save Perth Hills is 100% politically neutral...

BUT - with a State AND Federal election on the doorstep, it's important to know where our ASPIRING politicians stand on North $toneville.

We're kicking off - in alphabetical order - with ADAM Hort, State Liberal candidate for our seat of Kalamunda who's just announced he's keen to establish a Community-led Perth Hills Planning Strategy. But let's rewind to Adam last September when the Federal Government gave $atterley an unprecedented 110 years' 'environmental approval' to wipeout 60,000 trees AND around 200 hectares of Endangered Black Cockatoo habitat at North $toneville.

Adam, and other major party candidates will speak at our Rally on Sunday, offering insight into how they'll END North $toneville, if elected by us, the Community...

Please keep all comments friendly and in the theme of knocking out Satterley - not the pollies who are offering us their support!

AND Remember! SPH Stickers, Raffle Tickets, and our 2025 SPH T-Shirts are all available at our Rally! Bring your cash, coins, credit cards or use our electronic payments with ALL proceeds helping SAVE PERTH HILLS!   YAY!!!

Please note that when Adam says its approved he means the Environmental approval was given not the approval for the development to go ahead.

Sorry, I only have a Facebook video. However, I can provide a transcript of the message.

This is frankly unbelievable.

Today Labor has supported the North Stoneville development.

This is yet another example of Labor turning their backs on Hills residents. They’re not listening, and they don’t seem to care.

But the fight is not over and Save Perth Hills needs our help to ensure the state’s independent tribunal rejects this development in 2025.

Join me in putting pressure on Labor to ensure that this development goes no further.

The Perth Hills deserve better.

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Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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