Perth media is starting to unravel $atterley’s amended North Stoneville plan – with the help of Save Perth Hills.
Today our Deputy Chair Deb Bishop spoke with ABC Mornings host Nadia Mitsopoulos on why our Community will be Saying No - AGAIN to this dangerous and destructive housing plan.
As we finalise the summaries to help you write your own Say No - AGAIN submissions, this provides a handy snapshot of the long, long list of problems, illusions, constraints and dangers that $atterley is trying to impose on our bushfire prone Community.
Thursday – we meet with legal advisers. Anything you can donate would really assist for important legal support - to help Save Perth Hills – for us all.
Donate Direct to: BSB:633 000 Acc: 160715942
OR Containers for Change: Save Perth Hills ID Number: C10307279