One of the things that makes the hills, y’know, the hills is the exceptional bird life. The Black Cockatoo in particular is iconic to this region. But did you know that Carnaby’s and Baudin’s Black Cockatoo are ‘endangered’ and that the Forest red-tailed black cockatoo is ‘vulnerable’?
The situation with the Black Cockatoo is incredibly dire - $atterley’s proposed urban townsite will destroy natural habitat that these beautiful birds and others are clinging onto, just to survive.
An often used strategy by developers is know as 'offsetting' which essentially sets aside land in a different location to enable the clearing of land for a development project... It's a classic case of 'robbing Peter to pay Paul'. Bird's don't just pack up their suitcases to relocate like we might. They nest in old tree hollows that are crafted naturally over time.
Did you also know that there is a pair of Wedge Tailed Eagles nesting in the area of the proposed townsite?
With the proposed destruction of so much habitat - it’s also hard to understand the position of the Anglican Church to push on with their appeal to the State Administrative Tribunal… The good news is that North $toneville has been rejected by the majority of the community, the Shire of Mundaring, the WAPC and many state and federal political leaders. It’s hard to imagine this destructive plan ever being more than just a broken plan - but we do need to keep on and see this thing to its end.
1. Check out the Save Perth Hills doc on tips for responding to $atterley’s environmental report:…/1NtSgEZKhnzec6HuIk4s7rnvTwn…/edit…
2. Write an environmental submission on $atterley’s Environment report. It doesn’t have to be technical or lengthy, just short and from the heart is ok.
3. Send your submission to $atterley (it’s the process) REMEMBER to Cc in Save Perth Hills 😎 (to keep em honest)
4. Tag a mate to do the same!