Our wonderful team has put together another video. This time, we're calling into question the DELAY to a decision on proposed SP34 - North Stoneville. Be sure to watch to the end for the poll question. Please watch and share ↗️
You may also be interested to read the WAPC response sent to the Stoneville & Parkerville Progress Assoc. 👇
Dear Jo
RE: Timing for consideration of the North Stoneville Structure Plan 34 by the Western Australian Planning Commission
Current and unfolding circumstances relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19) are having significant impacts across all business, which is requiring new ways to conduct normal business activities.
For the State Government, and the Western Australian Planning Commission, it is business as usual as much as practicably possible. In order to comply with the strict restrictions on public gatherings, we have moved to virtual meetings – the first of which is scheduled next week – and we continue to monitor the situation and our ability to support the community at this time.
With around 1,000 submissions made during the advertising of the Structure Plan, the Commission is acutely aware of the significant public interest in the proposed North Stoneville Structure Plan 34 (SP34) and in view of social distancing protocols now in place, does not want the process compromised in any way.
The proposed structure plan was due for consideration before 30 April 2020. However, in order to ensure that the Commission can appropriately accommodate and hear public deputations, it has been agreed, in consultation with the applicant, for a further extension of time until 31 July 2020. As we have indicated previously, if a further extension of time is required, that can be made in agreement with the applicant.
We want to assure you that all Commission members are committed to ensuring that this proposal is given due consideration across all parts of the process.
While a meeting date is yet to be set to consider the proposal, we will ensure you are kept informed. In the meantime, assessment of the Structure Plan by Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage officers is ongoing.
We trust you will be understanding of this decision in these uncertain times. Should you have any queries, please contact me by reply email.
Kind regards
Sam Fagan | WAPC Secretary
Western Australian Planning Commission
The community believes that this proposed development makes no sense. Most concerning to us all is the Black Summer of 2020 experience as well as recent bush fire experiences within this extreme fire-prone area.