SP79 ( Structure Plan 79 Kilburn Rd / Brindle Rd , Parkerville subdivision - The Shire Of Mundaring have kindly given an extension to residents to submit their concerns and objections to the current proposal
Till Friday 14th August
Make sure you have your say
Submissions to the Shire are due by 3pm Friday Aug 14th on the adhoc and inappropriate subdivision for at least 58 suburban homes on the old Parkerville Farm-corner of Kilburn and Brindle Rds.
Concerns that our Community have raised include
-Contravenes State Bushfire Planning Policy 3.7
-Bushfire risk (2008 fire started at Brindle Rd)
-Traffic impact on dangerous roads that are at capacity now
-No infrastructure, no parks, no playgrounds
-Clutterbuck Creek at risk from contaminants from septics
If this Structure Plan 79 proceeds as is, it will give the developer a blank canvas to utilise every square inch of land, house upon house upon house. No historical sheds or artifacts. NO PLAYGROUNDS, NO PARKS, DESTRUCTION OF LANDSCAPE.
What you can do
Write your submission by 3pm Friday 14th August
Email your submissions to shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au
Or drop them into the Shire Offices