Yesterday evening - the Shire of Mundaring Council refused Structure Plan 79. The plan situated along Clutterbuck Creek would have seen the urbanisation of the old Parkerville Farm property. It included 3 cul-de-sac roads which are not suitable for fire-prone areas
There were many deputations this evening, the majority not in support of the plan.... Councillor Doug Jeans introduced a motion to refuse the plan based on fire safety concerns and drainage/run-off issues. In the end, the plan was refused 9 to 3.
The councillors in favour of the plan were:
• Cr Darrell Jones
• Cr Toni Burbidge
• Cr David Lavell
The councillors NOT in favour of the plan were:
• Cr Matthew Corica
• Cr James Martin
• Cr Jason Russell
• Cr Ian Green
• Cr Doug Jeans
• Cr Kate Driver
• Cr Amy Collins
• Cr John Daw
• Cr Simon Cuthbert
WAIT, there's more.
MASSIVE thanks to those of you who sent in a submission about this proposed plan in August 2020. At that time, the Shire received 108 community submissions. 103 of these were objections, 3 had mixed views, 2 were in support. It is these written deputations that carry considerable weight on nights like last night. Thank you to those who wrote in!