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Stop the Chop!

Save Perth Hills Inc


Join our Family friendly Rally!

THIS Sunday 23 Feb -  10 AM

Sculpture Park, Jacoby St, Mundaring

60,000 trees - some over 200 years old are set to be bulldozed, destroying critical habitat for Endangered Black Cockatoos.

 URGENT: The Anglican Church Can Stop the Destruction of their land at ‘North Stoneville’ - Will They?

 Anglican Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy has the power to END THIS TODAY. With one word - STOP - she can halt the destruction of the very creation the Church is called to protect.

The Anglican Church’s own 5th Mark of Mission states:

"To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth."

The Anglican Archbishop of Perth, will you uphold YOUR Church’s values and protect land you were entrusted with?

Or will you let a developer dictate the Church’s moral compass?

The choice is yours - and time is running out. The community is watching. Will you do what is right?

 Share this. Tag the Anglican EcoCare 

Please - come to our Family-friendly Rally this Sunday!

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