This photo was taken on the 18th of December 2018... Around 70 community legends turned up at the Parkerville Oval Pavilion to discuss Satterley's proposed North $toneville. The plans had been kept quiet, involved only minimal consultation, and we only had until the 10th of Jan 2019 to get our submissions in to reject the proposal...
The timing of this was deliberate, to catch the community off guard when Christmas and holidays were on everyone's mind. This gathering was critical as it marked our community’s commitment to ramp up 3 decades of opposition to dangerous and destructive development at proposed North $toneville.
Approximately 950 submissions regarding the proposed development were received by the Shire of Mundaring in just over 20 days... Around 90% rejected the proposal. This photo shows what can be done when we participate, unite and stand together. We'll be gathering again soon and hopefully, you will be there, in the photo, standing strong with your community.